Wednesday, 25 January 2012

L3) Photography Project Treatment Form

1 Type of production and brief details on Subject/Concept that you wish to portray:
An Apocalyptic conecpt
2 Facilities: What facilities do you need for this project list all including software and hardware for the whole project
I would need a Camera Preferably a Canon or Fuji Film. I need Photoshop CS5.
3 Finance: If you produced this project outside of the college you need to show how much it would cost to hire the equipment that you intend to use. List the item and the purchase/hire cost next to it

Item Purchase/hire cost
Canon EOS 550D with 18-55mm IS Lens
Adobe Photoshop Extended CS5,

4 Codes of practice and regulation: What regulations to you need to be aware of. Think about college policy as well as regulatory bodies that you looked at in Term 1 Assignment 2, Worksheet 1.6 Regulation and Safety notes. Say why they are relevant to your project.
Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002), Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (1998), Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992

Introduction to Rights & Licensing by Pro-Imaging.
Organiser’s Guide to the Bill of Rights by Pro-Imaging

5 Contributors: Who do you need to help this for you project? This includes talent and crew.
Crew and Role
Azar Khan - Photographer/ Editor

Talent and Role