Saturday, 15 October 2011

Fashion Photography

Fashion Photography Has been around for many years one of the earliest fashion and portrait photographers was Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton, CBE (14 January 1904 – 18 January 1980).

Fashion Photography Is used in magazine such as ‘Garzia’ ‘Vogue’ and so on. Fashion Photography is used to sell a product from clothes to Perfume. The Reason the fashion world use beautiful models is so the female get attracted to the product and want to buy it.

Portraits were used normally for personal use, but as the photography world has got more ruthless and more creative portrait are used in fashion magazine book covers and advertisement. A brilliant example is “Mandela: The Authorized Portrait”

The most controversial side of fashion has to be body imaging. Body Imaging is a techinques use to change the way a person looks by airbushing of maybe even changing there whole body i.e. shown in the pictures below:

This technique has been taken up by the public and activist as it manipulates and gives a false idea to the consumer. This has also been a matter that has been taken up by Anna Richardson on the show named 'The Sex Education' it was interesting seeing such young girls saying 'if your fat you are ugly' that on its own shows the power of this technique. The technique has been used on fashion magazines models so they look perfect.

I would like finish off by saying the Airbrushing and body imaging should be banned as it gives people false ideas on how they can look and in some cases can lower self-esteem. Also its not always the editing artist that do the damage its also the agencies that choose under size models. Which is Wrong because Women and Men are all different sizes and shapes.


  1. This is good Azar and a lot of work has gone into your post. When you say about banning airbrushing I would like you to think about the more subtle uses of manipulation such as choosing undersized models etc?

  2. Unit 57.1 Grade Merit:

    You have explained the main photographic applications, contexts and the associated techniques in relation to past and contemporary photographic practice; you have used for the most part clear and accurate language
    and appropriate technical vocabulary. Your work shows clear reference to a range of detailed illustrative examples in each case.

    To obtain a Distinction grade you would need to fully justify the points you make, and develop ideas critically (that is, compare, assess and discriminate) and draw out of an example precisely what it is about it that proves the point you are trying illustrate.
